The tkt course training activities cdrom contains 30 specially designed teacher training activities in convenient pdf format. The tkt course modules 1, 2 and 3 electronic resource. Welcome to the trainers guide for the teachingenglish tkt essentials course. Cambridge tkt teaching knowledge test british council. Unit 18 revision module 1 teachingenglish tkt essentials module 2 course content unit 1 identifying and selecting aims. It aims to increase teachers confidence and enhance job. This preparation course covers the three core modules of the teaching knowledge test administered by the university of cambridge. The teaching knowledge test, or tkt, is a professional credential that focuses on core teaching concepts for teachers of english as a foreign language. Cambridge teaching knowledge test tkt online tefl course. Tkt is a series of modular teaching qualifications which test your knowledge in specific areas of english language teaching.
The second edition contains three brand new model tkt practice tests, new tips for preparing for the tkt, an additional unit on approaches to language teaching. This book includes everything you need to prepare for the test. Tkt clil content and language integrated learning exam. The british council explains that the tkt is a test of the skills you need to be successful in teaching english to speakers of other languages. It is intended for teachers with some practical experience but who may not have a formal qualification in teaching english. Arevik sargsyan, english language teacher at school after ghazaros aghayan, completed tkt essentials online teacher training course. Teaching english tkt essentials trainers guide an english global product page 1 of 5. Candidates have 1 hour 20 minutes to complete the test.
Tackling each of the core tkt modules in turn, these activities will help a teacher trainer bring the. Teaching knowledge test contents 1 contents preface this handbook is intended for course providers who are, or intend to become, involved in preparing candidates for the teaching knowledge test tkt. Unit 17 assessment types and tasks the difference between testing and assessment. You can, of course, simply use the practice exercises on this site without following the course or any course. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Upon arrival, ef had prepared everything for me from transportation, daily schedule, to housing assistance. The tkt course modules 1, 2 and 3 online trainee version. Tkt module and young learners overview t he teacher knowledge test tkt is not a training or development course, but a test of your current teaching knowledge and skills. The training activities are designed to be used by teacher trainers with their class of trainees. The second edition contains three brand new model tkt practice tests, new tips for preparing for the tkt, an additional unit on approaches to language teaching tested in the tkt, completely rewritten tasks in every unit, and revised elt terms and concepts matching the latest cambridge esol tkt glossary. The tkt course modules 1, 2 and 3 mary spratt, alan. It tests knowledge of concepts related to young learner learning and development, knowledge about planning young learner lessons and knowledge of teaching strategies, practice. Presentation techniques and introductory activities teachers notes description participants discuss some different presentation techniques and introductory activities, which are tested in tkt module 1 part 3.
The activities in a speaking lesson often follow this pattem. The advice in the table on the next page is intended for those using the book on a taught course or for selfaccess readers. Now available online, the content of the tkt course modules 1, 2 and 3 second edition book has been adapted for use as a fully online course or as part of a blended training programme. Participants discuss what approaches different activity types fit into. If you dont want to install the program you can print out the pdf files of it and use them separately. It provides a comprehensive and reliable package for tkt candidates, as well as for teachers preparing for other initial teacher training qualifications and those on inservice training programmes. Introduction cambridge esols teaching knowledge test tkt has revolutionised teacher training in many parts of the world, providing a. It can be used on its own or with the tkt course modules 1, 2 and 3 second edition book. An introduction to the course rationale intended audience, delivery methods, trainer requirements, etc.
Learning to use a foreign language is more like learning to play an instrument than learning a set of facts and figures. Key to participants worksheet 2 a and b the sample task is an example of 1 1 matching question type. Clil and to give them opportunities to do test practice with tkt. For the sake of convenience, the cambridge tkt is compared below to other cambridge esol teaching qualifications, but other organisations offer equally good. Teaching knowledge is assessed by means of objectiveformat tests. There are several helpful online guides and resources available to assist individuals who are preparing for the teaching knowledge test. Types of activities and tasks for language and skills development participants worksheet 2 exercise 1 choose one of the task types ak for each of the activities below 111. Cambridge university press book title choice 201920 title. This is the updated version of the teacher training course for teachers and trainee teachers preparing for the cambridge esol teaching knowledge test tkt. Please note that we currently do not offer the tkt course except through specific funded projects.
There is a free study companion to go with the work on the website. Please note that many of the tasks and activities we do together will mirror the kind of tasks and activities you. Tackling each of the core tkt modules in turn, these activities will help a teacher trainer bring. Module 3 managing the teaching and learning process.
Responsibility mary spratt, alan pulverness, melanie williams. Yl is an additional module of the teaching knowledge test tkt. Tkt teaching knowledge testcambridge what is tkt teaching knowledge test. Jul 31, 2009 the tkt course training activities cdrom contains 30 specially designed teacher training activities in convenient pdf format.
The tkt course training activities free download pdf kupdf. Tkt essentials online teacher training course youtube. They consider the advantages of some of these activities and do a practice task relating to this syllabus area. Free tkt course a free teaching knowledge test training course from elt concourse.
More cambridge english teaching courses and qualifications. Using practice activities answer keys key to procedure steps step 2 possible practice activities. Activity 1 complete the puzzle with parts of speech. Working towards tkt module 1 emc7032c0y09 7 the tkt glossary 1 check your definitions against these ones from the tkt glossary. For further information on any of the cambridge esol examinations and teaching awards, please contact. It is suitable for teachers of all age groups and abilities. Cambridge university press site with downloadable training activities from cambridge teacher training books. A selection of activities with specific exam preparation. This bestselling course has been written in collaboration with cambridge esol by a team of experienced tkt writers. It can be used on its own or with the tkt this is the teacher training course for teachers and trainee teachers preparing for the cambridge esol teaching knowledge test tkt modules 1, 2 and 3 or other initial. This guide provides course trainers with information they need to conduct a course effectively. All activities, supplied in pdf format, are accompanied by comprehensive trainers notes.
The teaching knowledge test t kt is a test from cambridge esol about teaching english to. A guided writing b roleplay c problem solving d survey e brainstorming f chant g jumbled text h warmer i rank orderingprioritising j visualisation k jigsaw listening reading. Practising, therefore, forms the core of most lessons. The teaching knowledge test tkt is a test of the skills you need to be successful in teaching english to speakers of other languages. Cambridge teaching knowledge test tkt module 3 managing the teaching and learning process palestine 201011. For further information on any cambridge english teaching qualifications and courses, please go to. This cdrom contains 30 readytouse activities ideal for teacher trainers. Reviews of the the tkt course thus far about the publication weve got the tkt course feedback customers have never still eventually left their particular article on the overall game, you arent see clearly but. We are aware that this is a short training programme and that we will not be able to cover all the areas in. Elt concourse teaching knowledge test course module 1. We have designed this course to be as practical as possible. Teacher onboarding provided me with a good understanding of efs values, goals, and expectations through various lessons and team building activities including a tour of shanghais famous bund. Jan 22, 2015 the activities in a speaking lesson often follow this pattem. The st giles course which prepares teachers for the tkt exams aims to increase their confidence and enhance their job prospects.
A pronoun is a word that replaces or refers to a noun or noun phrase just mentioned. There are no formal entry requirements for the tkt, however candidates are advised to have at least an intermediate level of english petielts band score of 4. As well as the course on this site, a large number of institutions worldwide offer facetoface courses to prepare you for the examinations. Buy the tkt course modules 1, 2 and 3 2 by spratt, mary isbn. Pdf teaching knowledge test teaching knowledge test contents 1 contents preface this handbook is intended for course providers who are, or intend to become, involved in preparing candidates for the teaching knowledge test tkt. The purpose of this book is to be a helping tool in the process of training candidates to take the teaching knowledge test tkt. Whether you are a new teacher or have years of experience, tkt is ideal for people who need to. Cambridge esols practical, coursebased qualifications for teachers include. Tkt is a flexible series of modular teaching qualifications, which test your knowledge in specific areas of english language teaching why choose tkt. Nov 30, 2012 arevik sargsyan, english language teacher at school after ghazaros aghayan, completed tkt essentials online teacher training course. The tkt teaching knowledge test course modules 1, 2 and 3 second edition mary spratt alan pulverness melanie williams introduction the tkt course modules 1, 2 and 3 the tkt course modules 1, 2 and 3 is the second edition of the tkt course. The syllabus areas are childrens learning and development, planning and preparing lessons, teaching strategies for young learners and.
Module 1 language and background to language learning and teaching. The course is also suitable for teachers returning to teaching after a break, and wishing to brush up on their knowledge. Frequently asked questions about the cambridge tkt course note that while we mainly use the term tefl on these pages, in most cases the terms tesol and tesl could equally well apply. The cambridge tkt teaching knowledge test is a qualification for english language teachers. The tkt course training activities cdrom by joanne welling. It tests knowledge of teaching english to young learners. Modules focus on knowledge language and methodology, via paper based exams.
The tkt course training activities cambridge university press. The tkt course training activities cdrom cambridge university. Tkt modules handbook for teachers 1 contents preface this handbook is intended for tutors and candidates and provides information to help prepare for tkt teaching knowledge test modules 1, 2 and 3. Yl is an examination for teachers and classroom assistants who teach or will teach english to young learners.
Tkt is a modular course which is assessed via a paperbased examination. A word used to show an action, state, event or process, e. Participants will have other examples from their own experience. Tkt is a globallyrecognised certificate, accepted in over 60 countries. Jan, 2011 this is an updated version of the teacher training course for teachers and trainee teachers preparing for the cambridge esol teaching knowledge test tkt modules 1, 2 and 3 or other initial teacher training qualifications. The british council expects that this course will provide both immediate and. Background to language teaching practice activities and tasks for language and language skills development. It is especially suitable for tkt preparation, but can also be used on other english teacher training and development courses.
Please note that many of the tasks and activities we do together will mirror the kind of tasks and activities you can do with your own colleagues. It will help you to build your confidence, and is a costeffective way to get an internationally recognised qualification. Tackling each of the three core tkt modules in turn, these activities will help a teacher trainer bring the syllabus of the tkt to. This is the teacher training course for teachers and trainee teachers preparing for the cambridge esol teaching knowledge test or other initial teacher training qualifications. This guide provides course trainers the with information they need to conduct a course effectively.
Apr 10, 20 this cdrom contains 30 readytouse activities ideal for teacher trainers. It tests knowledge of concepts related to young learner learning and development, and knowledge of young learners from a teaching perspective. You may want to also check online to see if there are any preparation courses in your area. It includes everything you need to prepare for the test.
The tkt course is the teacher training course for teachers and trainee teachers preparing for the cambridge esol teaching knowledge test or other initial teacher training qualifications. The teaching knowledge test t kt is a test from cambridge esol about teaching english to speakers of other languages. You will be expected to work in pairs and groups and to actively discuss and share ideas from your own experience. Welcome to the trainers guide for the teaching knowledge test tkt essentials course. Unique features include interactive tasks with instant scoring and feedback, an interactive tkt glossary quiz that covers all tkt terms, and ask the author. It is especially suitable for tkt preparation, but can also be used on other english teachertraining and development courses.
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